Get Off On A Good Foot
Let’s face it. The last couple of years have been very tough on most start-ups. Whether you are preparing to launch your dream or have been in business for less than two years – one of the most important factors for long-term success is starting off right. Our senior leadership team has over twenty years of experience in start-ups and/or business growth. We will help you create or stabilize foundational precepts and practices that will enable you to focus on success.

We offer:
- Brand Consultation & Services (logo, principles, guidelines, development strategies)
- Business Plan Consultation or Development (Specialilzing in B2B or B2C, including non-profit)
- Customer Base Building (targets, research, promotion, outreach, satisfaction, retention)
- Discovery Mapping (anchoring your vision with tactical mapping)
- Launch Marketing Plan and Campaigns Consultation or Development
- Launch Marketing Services (collateral, online, events, public relations)
- Operations Consultation (aligning standards with performance, creating manuals)
- Strategic Planning (blueprints with action plans)
- Traffic Generation (increasing qualified leads/customers)
- Training & Development (creating materials and/or on-site or virtual training sessions)
- Website Design & Development (Graphic design, content management systems, etc.)